Norwegian Exlibris

In January 2024, I purchased the exlibris collection after the late Rolf Nysted Heier from his eldest son, Petter Heier. It contains about 2.000 exlibris and several books and special prints of exlibris artists’ works.

I have since started a research project on Norwegian Exlibris with a particular focus on the 20th century. As part of this project, I will cataloque and cross-reference public exlibris collections (i.e. Bergen Public Library, University of Bergen Library) and my own collection with existing publications on the matter.

Digital methods I employ range from data modeling (i.e. translating the FISAE description into a data model) to network analysis.

Publications are planned mainly for special audiences, i.e. the German Exlibris Society’s (D.E.G.) yearbook and Norwegian special interest journals.

I am currently looking to purchase additional Norwegian Exlibris for my collection. If you are interested in trading/selling, please contact me! I am exclusively interested in Norwegian exlibris.