I will be teaching a workshop on using GitHub for writing and publishing together on the web!
The workshop is part of the 2day digital humanities seminar at the NTNU University Library and Gunnerus Library in Trondheim on November 1–2. The event is aimed at graduate students and research staff, both from the university and the libraries and focuses on research practices and tools for digital humanities.
The morning of day 1 will be dedicated to talks from internationally renowned dh practitioners on topics like policy making, EdTech, and infrastructure. The second half of the day offers six parallel workshops:
- Qualitative Data Analysis
- Text Data Analytics (with Python)
- 3D Modelling
- VR in Learning
- Geospatial Visualisations
- GitHub for collaborative working
I will teach the GitHub workshop: I’m proud to be able to use and expand the material that’s been developed here in Oslo with the UiO Carpentry Initiative, especially by Lex Nederbragt. You can read more on its contents here and join the workshop in Trondheim if you are around!
Day 2 of the DH event will be all about the application of digital methods and tools to humanities research and has everything from VR/AR reconstruction for historical research, to linked data and ontologies, corpus analysis, research data repositories and book history.
Come join the Norwegian DH scene in Trondheim! Follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #dhntnuub18
[tweetthis]Digital Humanities Seminar @NTNU with @GitHub workshop taught by yours truly! #dhntnuub18[/tweetthis]